Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Charming Bracelets

As I was re-listing some 1967 newspapers, called The Ocean Press, I decided to re-take some photos. One of them showed an article on charm bracelets, that I found so delightful to read (I love charms bracelets, and most especially charms of all sorts). 

I took some close-ups of it to post here for you to enjoy.

Oh, what I wouldn't give to have a charm bracelet that lights up!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Christmas in July Sale

There's a Christmas in July Sale going on in my Etsy shop!
10% off everything that is $10.00 and over!
Just put in the coupon code CIJULY at checkout.
You can find books...

things for the home...


 ...even stuff for the guys.
 Offer good through 7/25/13 

If you don't find anything in my shop, just put CIJ in the Etsy search box and find loads of sales in other shops.
You can also head over to The Vintage Village to find even more sales!