Thursday, December 1, 2011

Peter Pauper Series...A to Z

 Last week, on Wordless Wednesday, I posted a photo of my collection of cookbooks published by the Peter Pauper Press.

I felt that the picture did not adequately convey the beauty of these books, so I've decided to do a series on them, so that you may see how extraordinary they are.

Established in 1928 by an art designer named Peter Beilensen, the company published books "that even a pauper could afford," according to their website: Peter Pauper Press. A cookbook series was begun in the 1950s, covering everything from "Abalone to Zabaglione."

 The vivid colors and striking modern quality of the graphic design of these books is what initially attracted me, and continues to do so, though I admit to taking them for granted most of the time. Another reason to do some blogging on them is to get to know them again.

This was published in 1957 and was illustrated by Ruth McCrea. It has 60 pages of recipes; some have become everyday recipes and others not so much (Eel, en Matelot, for example.)

 This companion volume, published the same year and also illustrated by McCrea, focuses on beverages, specifically those of the alcoholic variety.

This has a combination of recipes and general information--a very helpful guide.

At 7 1/2" by 4 1/2," all the books but one in my collection, including these two, are small and take up very little room. Nearly all are less than 1/2" thick. Such an easy collection to find space for!

1 comment:

Commonweeder said...

I've got a few of these books myself and have always found them useful - and I do love the graphics. I am giving away two books right now and I hope you'll visit and help me celebrate my 4th blogoversary.